Friday 6 February 2015


the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. 

Confidence. Are you lacking in it or full of it? 

For the majority of us, its something we are lacking or struggling in. Wether r it be body confidence or confidence that you can pass an exam. We live in a world where it can be so easy to become an unconfident person because the world is constantly telling us that we aren't perfect and we can aim to be something better.

My blogging friends and I decided to collaborate to encourage all of you reading this to be more confident. We have combined quotes, tips and personal stories. Your own personal encouragement for a day when you are feeling down and unconfident. 

If you would like to contact any of the girls who have had similar experiences to you that have participated in this post, for a chat, advice or if you have any questions, then contact me in the comments and I will direct you their way privately. But for the meantime these girls are to remain anonymous for personal reasons.

All of the stories and quotes you are about to read are from teenage girls just like you and me.

Do not care what anybody else thinks, do it for yourself not for other people. I love acting and had to do a show were I had to sing as well as act. I was fine with the acting part but I was scared for the singing part as I am not exactly the best singer. But instead of refusing to do it I just decided I didn't care what anybody else thought. This would help me improve and not them and I'd probably never see them again. So I just did it! And I am much more confident because of it. 

Act so confident you believe it.

Don't care what anybody else thinks, as long as you are happy and comfortable with the way you are then screw what anybody else thinks.

I naturally can't eat much. Before, I felt like throwing up and it got worse around the Summer. Especially, after the pressure of having a nice body for the beach and all! Everyday, I'd make my meals smaller until I would go a whole day without eating and only drink water. I shortly became underweight. I always knew this was bad for me and I wanted to stop but I just couldn't. My school found out in November which urged me to start eating more and now I'm in recovery as well as a healthy weight. Please can you tell your followers and readers that if they need any help there are so many sites and forums online where you can talk to others. I swear it helps. Being a teenage girl is hard in as a society which always shows unrealistic standards of women that we look up to but remember these are either fake or their natural bodies. Love x

Do something you love and make new friends. 

I have never been a confident person or an outgoing person. I like my cosy evenings in. Mug of tea in hand, cuddled up in pyjamas after a bubble bath. I much prefer this than spending a night at a party or going out. And that is just me. I like my own company. Being a confident person is a great thing but they're introverts out there who aren't confident people and its okay to not fancy going out after 7pm because you want to watch your favourite Disney film and eat chocolate. The Daffodil Song by Phillipa Hannah makes me feel better about myself. Worth a listen for an instant pick-me up.
I bet you can guess who wrote this one! x 

I'm not a confident person at all, blowing things out of proportion, overthinking and I always feel not good enough for people, including myself. My blog had really helped me feel in control and better about myself. A little corner in the internet where I feel there is not a judgement or hate, just a lovely peaceful place. If blogging isn't for you, (this might sound ridiculous) look into the mirror and say 'I am good enough.' You are good enough. You matter to someone. Treat your body well and realise that what you want to look like, sometimes isn't realistic. Your body is just that, a body.

Say hello and ask new people about themselves. People are more likely to talk to you if you say something to them and show that you are approachable. Try new things and don't be afraid!

Our society is giving these false impressions that girls should look a certain way. Those stick-thin models, coated in makeup with their hair done all nice are NOT real. Have you ever seen someone like that walking around? I have never seen someone like that. Why aspire to be like someone who is not real? Be yourself. You are perfect just the way you are. Take no notice of societies opinion.

Don't compare yourself to others. We are all different and on different journeys. 

Good luck!
Emily and the teen blogging community x


  1. This post was so heartwarming, all the stories were lovely to read ;) I agree with yours, I'd much rather stay in and read than go to a party (what an outgoing life we live haha)

    Dalal xx |

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This post is so sweet. I feel that i am confident in the way i look and around other people but i have no faith in myself. After every exam i will say that went really badly but actually i do really well.
    Lovely post x

    1. Aww x Its great that you have self confidence in the way you look x I sometimes do that too x Thank you x

  3. This is is so cute and I hope anyone reading this will take your great advice! Loving the quote pictures! xx

  4. Hey! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! This is a wonderful q&a tag that promotes new blogs and underrated bloggers! Check out my post for the questions and more information! Well done, keep up the hard work! Lydia Eve x

    1. Thank you x I've already done the Liebster award! x

  5. All these stories are so good and will really encourage me and the rest of your readers x
