Tuesday 17 February 2015

book favourites♡

'A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A man who never reads lives only one.' 

I am a little bookworm and in my lifetime I have read quite a lot of books. Some have been awful and some have left a lasting impression and I thought I would share 3 of my most favourite books and why I love them so much! Sorry if your not a massive book lover but I hope I might convert you to read some of these titles! 

Anne Frank - the diary of a young girl by Anne Frank♡

The first book is a book that I treasure dearly. I first read this book when I was 10 or 11. I have never wanted to meet someone so much as Anne Frank. This book has inspired me so much and I have read this over and over again. It's a written diary of a Jewish girl called Anne Frank during World War 2 when she goes into hiding.  She inspired me to start writing my diary which I have been writing ever since. I can't explain how much I love this book. Anne is someone who I would want to be friends with and her personality shows throughout her diary entries and is definitely relatable to me. What they went through is heartbreaking and unimaginable. It tells the story first-hand from a teenage girls perspective which hits home. 

The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky♡

The next book is bound to be in my favourites. I got this for my 13th birthday and this inspired my Instagram name and my blog name. I really love this book and the film. It's written in the style of letters and is based around a boy called Charlie and his first year at High School. He is quite socially awkward and its about him struggling on with school, making friends and family dramas.
'He is a wallflower. Caught in the middle of trying to live his life and trying to run from it.'
You slowly start to know more and more about Charlie and how he copes with things that he encounters. It also flashes back to moments in his childhood which have shaped who he is. 

We were liars by E.Lockhart♡

This has become a definite favourite from me. This was THE book of 2014 and I am obsessed with it. 
It's about a typical all-american rich family called the 'Sinclairs.' Life appears to be perfect on the outside but their is a very different story on the inside. It's based around a girl called Cadence who has an accident at the start of the book and she goes back a few Summers later to try and find out what happened as she can't remember. Again, I have read this twice now. When you read this it's kind of like you are walking down a misty pathway that leads you down different pathways until you reach the end. The ending was my favourite bit and it tied up the book so well. It was such a surprise for me that I remember exactly where I was. I was on the way back from the beach and I had to stick my head out the window as I was so shocked. I was desperate to talk to someone about the ending and this book so I made my sister read it with me a few months ago. 
I can't rave about this book enough! 

Let me know your favourite books in the comments! 
Emily x 


  1. I love the perks of being a wallflower! It is such a good and meaningful book ♥♥

  2. We were liars sounds so interesting! I haven't been reading so much lately but after that quote at the start and your mini review of we were liars, I may have to go pick it up! xx

    1. That quote always inspires me to pick up a book and read it! x Definitely read We Were Liars then we can talk about it together! x

  3. I nominated you for the Liebster Award! The questions are on my blog!

    Becca x


    1. Thank you! I have already done the Liebster Award x

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